
Why choose ABIR for your inspection?

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ABIR Inspections (was US Home Inspections)
16:13 03 May 16
110% is what you get with my Consulting Inspection Services (CIS).... Amazingly Robust & Intuitive CIS-WebMeet Reports!Unique CI-Services with Collaborative Communication, Advanced Technology & Skills, provides essential tools for any real-estate purchaser; from a novice buyer to the more savvy & skilled buyer or professional. The end result is geared to help produce three options: 1) Buy the property as is by having a better understanding of the structure’s condition and accepting the contractual terms. 2) Negotiate a better deal when applicable 3) or Cancel the contract when applicable. Providing exceptional services and staying ahead of the majority within the industry competition!
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Contact ABIR Inspections today to schedule your commercial or home inspection services in Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Surrounding Counties.

Sunday appointments available by special request.

Offering $25 off standard inspections for military and veterans, $50 off standard inspections for repeat customers, and free DIY Radon Testing Kit Coupons.

(813) 282-9164

InterNACHI Certified Home Inspection

Mario Neira

ABIR InspecTions
St. Petersburg, FL 33705